Sunday, December 26, 2010

Use gold "war" inflation opportunely

We all know that part of the investment has risks, gold investment also need to have a certain strategy. According to the Agricultural Bank of wealth management center in Yunnan Province Mr. Yang described financial experts: Gold prices continued to rise for a reason and power, because the gold is closely related to the international price of gold and the dollar, the dollar long-term trend weakness and inflation continued to There are fully illustrated with great prospects for gold investment. But this does not rule out short-term fluctuations in gold, because no product can only rise and not fall. Yang suggested: the use of long-term investment of idle funds can invest in gold, as long-term asset allocation against inflation, so as not to short-term fluctuations in gold prices too sensitive.
As ordinary investors, we often confuse the jewelry of gold and gold investment, gold jewelry as an investment will be, the result is disappointing. Production of gold jewelry and taxes as the reason the price is often higher than the 20% investment in gold, combined with hard cash gold jewelry, it does not have a hedge against inflation, gold essence function.
Ordinary families must pay attention to investing in gold is not blind conformity, to follow suit to buy. Rated vote could be taken small batches the way approach. Such as: the Agricultural Bank launched the "treasure handed down," Practice of gold, size from 3 grams, 10 grams, 20 grams ... ranging from 1,000 grams and 3 grams or more varieties are available to repurchase, the investor in full consideration of the basis of the financial situation of the family can be reasonably select the appropriate investment specifications.

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