Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to purchase and investment the paper gold

For the "paper gold" investment approach, the experts recommended to investors in two ways. First, grasp the overall point of view, the best paper gold investors have some investment experience, if experience of some stocks will be more favorable. When investing, the overall trend of the gold market to have accurate judgments, such as the current situation is the unilateral increase, decrease, or unilateral or ranges. This trend will decide the investment strategy. If short-term operations, investors must pay attention to the basic metals (such as copper, aluminum, etc.) the price, from a certain extent, reflects the trend of gold. The geopolitical, oil prices, the dollar exchange rate is always to pay attention. = From the operating level, in the choice of paper gold products should be compared on the following areas, then a choice.
Trading Hours
For investors, the bank may be open longer, the better deal. So that investors can change at any time to trade gold.
Dealing spreads
Paper gold investment is spread through the gold to get the benefits, so the gold trading spreads charged by banks minus the spread is the return on investment. So, choose the low trading spreads can hold their own rate of return higher.
Investment threshold
If the investment threshold is low, for the capital on hand was not good, or lack of experience, want to get involved in the field of gold investment for investors is a important factor.
Trading Channel
Compared to physical gold and paper gold trading channels is very important. Gold in a changing, more extensive trading channels, options to buy and sell more efficient.
Delegate functions
Investors need to always pay attention to changes in the price of gold, it takes more time and effort. Less time for those investors who pay attention in the choice of products to provide commissioning services of the product.

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