Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gold investment tips

Throughout the global market since 2008, the stock market crash, the property market downturn, the dollar unrest, crude oil, nonferrous metals, agricultural products and other commodities suffered to fall, while gold was "thriving", up 9 consecutive years, from 2001's $ 250 / ounces, up to $ 1,200 / ounce, the price nearly doubled 5 times, with other markets to form a great contrast. Recently, gold has remained at a high of more than $ 1,000, many investors want to invest, but have doubts about: the suitability of current price investment in gold? In fact, investing in gold is not too late at any time.
Gold is a hedge varieties of the past, most of us focus on fund assets, stocks, real estate, bonds, financial products and deposits, etc., but in a bear market, the rate of loss of assets or shrink will be faster.
In fact, in our portfolio need to configure some "hedge species", these varieties in terms of market downturn or boom, are likely to have good performance. If properly configured a number of "hedge species", the assets will enable us to reduce losses in a bear market, once the economy stabilizes, it can be recovered more quickly than others, or profit. In about 20% of assets in the allocation of gold, will make our portfolio more reasonable.
For long-term investment in physical gold and gold account for different products suitable for long-term investment in physical gold. From the historical data, physical gold can better preserve and increase its assets and value.

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